What Is The Best Time Of Year To Power Wash Your House?

Looking to power wash your home’s exterior? Cleaning the outside of your home every once in a while doesn’t just preserve curb appeal – it also helps prevent the buildup of mold and mildew, as well as other microorganisms like algae. In turn, this can prolong the lifespan of your siding.

But how do you know when it’s time to pressure wash your home? How often should you do it, and when is the best time of year to hire a pressure washing service, or rent a pressure washer and handle the job on your own? Find out now. 

Start By Figuring Out How Often You Should Pressure Wash Your House

Pressure washing your home too frequently is a waste of time and money. You wouldn’t clean a tub or a toilet when it looks spick-and-span, so why bother cleaning your house if it’s still clean? 

So the first step is to figure out how often you should pressure wash your house. If you have vinyl, metal, or composite siding, the “rule of thumb” is to pressure wash once per year. Run your finger along with the siding – if you notice a lot of dirt, it’s time to clean your home! 

For wood siding, pressure washing should only be done when there is a lot of dirt and mildew buildup. It’s best to do it less frequently and with a less powerful pressure setting to preserve the paint and/or stain on the wood.

Of course, this can vary. If you live in a hot and humid climate, for example, your home will be more susceptible to mold. Or, if your home is located on a dirt road, more dirt will build up and it will be necessary to pressure wash more often.

As a rule? Use your best judgment! If your home is dirty, clean it! It’s really just that simple. Some homeowners may need twice-yearly or even more frequent cleanings, while others may only need to pressure wash their homes every year or two.

Pressure Wash Your House On A Bright, Sunny Day In The Late Spring Or Summer

Cleaning your home? The best day to have it professionally pressure washed is in the late spring or early summer. This ensures that power washing your home will remove all of the pollen buildups from spring. 

In addition, the bright sun will help the water dry without spotting. This helps improve the overall results and leaves your home bright and beautiful.

Contact Shane’s Gutter Cleaning Solutions For House Washing!

Short on time? Don’t want to buy or rent a power washer? Nervous that you’ll damage your siding or windows? We get it – and Shane’s Gutter Cleaning Solutions is here to help. We offer professional power washing and house washing services throughout Brisbane City and Southeast Queensland. Contact us online or give us a call at 0412 730 650 to get started.

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